The Rothenburg RBSX and RBSXS rework systems are used to process frozen butter blocks, cheese or margarine at a temperature of minus 21 degrees Celsius (minus 5.8 degrees Fahrenheit). The blocks are brought to packaging temperature (+8°C to 14°C as a rule) solely by applying kinetic energy.
The systems are designed for an input temperature of minus -21°C or -4°C. The capacity ranges from 0.8t/h to 10t/h. The butter blocks are fed in manually or semi-automatically with a conveyor belt. Our rework system meets all USDA requirements and therefore corresponds to the highest hygiene standard worldwide. It is the only rework system which can make that claim.
We can also refurbish dairy equipment and individual components from your existing equipment.
References / Gallery
Functional principle of the Reworker
Large 20-25 kg blocks of butter are fed into the Reworker, which are pre-crushed with the help of the screws and the body geometry. The mass is then further crushed by the front panel mixer and fed to a pump. This pumps the butter through a pin mixer into a butter silo.